Aa’ishah Lodda
Acts: Wahi Bidu, Thoughts
Abberaame Srithar
Acts: Rasathy
Abiram Manoharan
Acts: Kamatha Pura, Lights Camera Action, Rasathy, Hogwarts
Amanda Bulathwelage
Acts: Mistake Kandyan
Amasha Kottearachchi
Acts: Kamatha Pura, Lights Camera Action, Hogwarts
Angelica Weerasinghe
Acts: A Dancer’s Journey, Elements
Anne Fernando
Acts: Generations, Wahi Bidu
Anneka Suraweera
Acts: Eclipse, Possessed
Anuki Bopearachchi
Acts: Reunion, Devi, Wahi Bidu
Anuradha Bandaranayake
Acts: Devi, Thoughts
Arthi Suthagar
Acts: Deepavali, Rasathy, Thoughts, The Battle
Ayesha Geekiyanage Don
Acts: Eclipse
Ayumini Wickramarathne
Acts: Eclipse, Posessed
Britney Hewasinghage
Acts: Elements
Budmi Dassanayake
Acts: Elements
Chanone Murday
Acts: Deepavali, Elements, Rasathy
Dahami Tennakoon
Acts: Devi, Eclipse, Emotions
Dakshana Balamurali
Acts: Lights Camera Action, Rasathy
Devangee Marasinghe
Acts: Eclipse, Possessed, Reunion
Dhruvi Vyas
Acts: Mistake Kandyan, Reunion
Diana Yureni
Acts: Apsara, Possessed
Diluni Ramanayake
Acts: Lights Camera Action, Possessed, Reunion, Hogwarts
Dimuthu Mabotuwana
Acts: Vihara Maha Devi, Wahi Bidu
Diyendra Withana
Acts: Elements, Posessed
Draupadi Senanayake
Acts: Battle, Deepavali
Dulangee Sumithraarachchige
Acts: A Dancer’s Journey
Émilie Peiris
Acts: Generations
Gavindi Wijeratne
Acts: Kamathi Pura, Hogwarts, Lights Camera Action
Geemini Hewamana
Acts: Deepavali, Elements
Gina Anantharajah
Acts: Generations
Guwani Jayasekara
Acts: Devi, Eclipse
Hasini Rallage
Acts: Hogwarts
Heshan Fernando
Acts: Rasathy, Vihara Maha Devi
Hiruni Ranasinghe
Acts: Reunion, Eclipse, Vihara Maha Devi, A Dancer’s Journey
Choreographer: A Dancer’s Journey
Hiruni Thenuwara
Acts: A Dance’s Journey, Apsara
Kasun Senadheera
Acts: Kamatha Pura, Hogwarts, Lights Camera Action
Kavisha Rodrigo
Acts: Reunion, Mistake Kandyan, Battle
Lakshika Perera
Acts: Eclipe, Devi, Wahi Bidu
Lampojan Raveenthiranathan
Acts: Rasathy, Deepavali, Vihara Maha Devi
Lisa Perera
Acts: Generations, Wahi Bidu
Madara Navaratne
Acts: Elements
Mahith Fernando
Acts: Eclipse, Deepavali, Vihara Maha Devi
Maleesha Dedigama
Acts:Eclipse, Vihara Maha Devi, Thoughts
Maleesha Wijesinghe
Acts: A Dancer’s Journey, Deepavali
Mathura Sharma
Acts: Rasathy
Methme Senanayake
Acts:Apsara, Elements, Deepavali
Methmi Warnakulasooriya Thamel
Mevanya Tennakoon
Acts: A Dancer’s Journey, Wahi Bidu
Milana Muir
Acts: Generations
Miriam Nawagamuwa
Acts: Eclipe. Possessed
Natasha Perera
Acts: Reunion
Neeraja Sanmugathassan
Acts: Rasathy
Nesha Sathyendra Kumar
Acts: A Dancer’s Journey, Elements, Possessed
Nethaduni Warnakulasooriya Thamel
Acts:Generations, Hogwarts
Nimesha Fernando
Acts: Thoughts, Elements,
Nimna Perera
Acts: Emotions, Vihara Maha Devi, Thoughts
Nirvedha Ranchagoda
Acts: A Dancer’s Journey, Apsara
Nisali Sisirakumara
Acts: Reunion, Mistake Kandyan, Emotions, Battle
Choreographer: Emotions and Battle
Niuni Amarasinghe
Acts: Possessed, Apsara
Osandi Payagala
Acts: Hogwarts, Lights Camera Action
Pranavi Sritharan
Acts: Battle
Prash Kumara
Acts: Generations, Vihara Maha Devi
Prayag Kotecha
Acts: Rasathy
Rayanie Diddeniya
Acts: Reunion, Possessed, Generations
Ruchila Lokuralalage
Acts: Apsara, Possessed, Deepavali
Samadi Galpayage
Acts: Possessed, Vihara Maha Devi
Samathi Rajakaruna
Acts: Kamatha Pura, Hogwarts, Lights Camera Action
Sangamithra Ravi
Acts: Rasathy
V.A.K.C. Sankethi
Acts: A Dancer’s Journey, Deepavali
Santhoshi Ekanayake
Acts: Reunion, Elements, Devi, Emotions
Choreographer: Devi
Sara Perera
Acts: Generations, Wahi Bidu
Sarah Chan
Acts: Devi
Saravania Selvaratnam
Acts: Hogwarts, Lights Camera Action
Sasangee Dissanayake
Acts: Eclipe, Battle
Choreographer: Eclipse
Sashini Leggett
Acts: Generations
Sathyangi Fernando
Acts: Reunion, Vihara Maha Devi, Battle
Choreographer: Vihara Maha Devi
Shaleni Hettiaratchi
Acts: A Dancer’s Journey, Rasathy
Shania Lamahewage
Acts: Kamatha Pura, Hogwarts, Lights Camera Action
Sharoni Peiris
Acts: Generations
Shoaib Ali
Acts: Devi, Vihara Maha Devi, Wahi Bidu
Sienna Croft
Acts: Generations
Sithmi Warnakulasuriya Thamel
Acts:Generations, Hogwarts, Lights Camera Action
Surangi Mendis
Acts: Generations
Tanaka Jalathge
Acts:Kamatha Pura, Lights Camera Action, Hogwarts
Tashini Knowlton
Acts: Apsara, Elements
Vimansa Lansakara
Acts: A Dancer’s Journey, Deepavali
Yoggya De Silva
Acts: Reunion, Wahi Bidu